Upcycled Art

The original recycler

Patti, an earth mama, is the original recycler. Before “upcycling” was the term du jour and on trend, she was salvaging and beautifying things most would see as trash. Deeply rooted to the 'aina, whether it’s found objects on the beach or an old dresser someone was going to toss, she breathes new life into castaways rather than have them end up in our landfills.

Upcycled elements

Today, people intuitively know using upcycled elements in design encourages the imagination and creates a unique ambience and, in fact, many homeowners prefer upcycling to buying brand new. Patti can turn your family heirlooms into gorgeous pieces that, always close to your heart, are now eyecatchers to visitors and the favorite pieces in your home. Even when a piece doesn’t fit your décor anymore, upcycling means that you keep the pieces you love and help save the planet while you’re at it. 


But upcycling isn’t just about converting an old armoire into a retro bar cabinet or an old oak door into a headboard; it can be anything and everything. Using pieces of driftwood other found objects such as sea glass, a mirror from the past can be completely transformed and beautifying your entryway.

it's an art

The upcycling possibilities are endless. There is an art to adding just the right elements to your home or workspace. Discover your hidden treasure.

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